Do dizziness, vertigo, or balance issues impact your daily life and well-being? At Louisania ENT, our experienced ENT doctors recognize that effective treatment for balance and vertigo goes beyond cutting-edge technology and relevant therapeutic techniques.
What is the test like?
Balance testing is typically carried out through a series of tests, each designed to evaluate a different aspect of balance. These may include:
- Videonystagmography (VNG): This test employs video goggles to track eye movements, which can provide information about the function of the inner ear and brain.
- Posturography: In this test, you'll stand on a moving platform and attempt to maintain your balance under various conditions.
- Rotational chair test: This test involves you sitting in a computer-controlled chair that moves slowly in a circular motion. Your eye movements are observed to see how your inner ear reacts to the movement.
- Audiometry: This test measures your hearing ability, as hearing and balance are both regulated by the inner ear.
- Vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) test: This evaluates the health of specific balance nerves and pathways.