
man sneezing

Can Allergies Make You Dizzy?

Dizziness can feel unsettling and even disruptive, especially when it occurs without warning. While dizziness is often associated with inner ear problems, it might surprise you to learn that allergies can also play a role.Feelings of dizziness can be an unexpected and frustratin...

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woman blowing her nose

How Sinus Congestion Works

Sinus congestion can make even the simplest tasks—like breathing comfortably and getting a good night's sleep—a challenge. At Louisiana ENT Specialists, we know how disruptive chronic congestion can be and are here to help you understand and address the root cau...

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woman yawning at work

Can Snoring Make You Tired?

If you or a loved one snores regularly, you might notice that waking up feeling refreshed becomes harder and harder. So, can snoring actually make you tired? The answer is yes—and the reasons why are more complex than they may seem. The pros at Louisiana ENT Specialists (LE...

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woman blowing nose on couch

Are Sinus Infections Viral or Bacterial?

Sinus infections, medically known as sinusitis, are a frequent annoyance that disrupts daily life with symptoms like congestion, facial pain, and a runny nose. But are sinus infections viral or bacterial? Both, actually!Uncovering the root cause is essential for selecting the ri...

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woman pressing on man's sinuses

How Long Does Balloon Sinuplasty Last?

If you're considering balloon sinuplasty as a treatment for chronic sinus issues, you may be curious about its long-term effectiveness. At Louisiana ENT Specialists, we understand the importance of exploring the durability of this minimally invasive procedure. In this blog, we'll...

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man standing near flower tree

Are Allergies Worse at Night?

Allergies can be a nuisance at any time of day, but many people find that their symptoms worsen during the night. Sneezing, itching, congestion, and other allergy-related issues can disrupt sleep, leaving you tired and restless the next day. In this blog, the team at Louisiana EN...

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man blowing his nose

Can Allergies Make You Feel Sick?

Allergies are more than just a seasonal inconvenience—they can make you feel downright sick. From bothersome symptoms to impacting your overall well-being, allergies significantly affect daily life. In this blog, we delve into the question: Can allergies make you feel sick?...

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blonde kid getting his ear looked at


If you suddenly start experiencing sharp throat and ear pain, it can be extremely worrying. You will want to get to the bottom of what is causing it as soon as possible so that you can treat it and get on with your life quickly and painlessly. One of the most common reasons...

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