
man getting his ear checked out

When to Get Hearing Aids?

Hearing loss often creeps up gradually, making it easy to miss the signs until communication becomes difficult. If you're unsure whether it's time to consider hearing aids, knowing when to take action can make a world of difference for your overall well-being. At Louisiana ENT Sp...

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woman covering ears while husband snores

Can Snoring Cause Headaches?

Many people think of snoring as just a bothersome noise that interrupts others' sleep, but it can actually affect snorers, too. Snoring might contribute to your discomfort if you often wake up with headaches, especially in the morning.Understanding how snoring and headaches are...

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little girl sitting with her mom

Are Cochlear Implants a Cure for Deafness?

Cochlear implants have revolutionized the way we think about hearing loss, offering a life-changing option for many who are profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing. While cochlear implants provide access to sound, they do not restore hearing to normal levels.Understanding wh...

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woman blowing nose on couch

Are Sinus Infections Viral or Bacterial?

Sinus infections, medically known as sinusitis, are a frequent annoyance that disrupts daily life with symptoms like congestion, facial pain, and a runny nose. But are sinus infections viral or bacterial? Both, actually!Uncovering the root cause is essential for selecting the ri...

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man waking up and holding his head

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Dizziness?

Sleep apnea, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, is characterized by interruptions in breathing during sleep. This leads to poor sleep quality and a range of health issues, but can sleep apnea can cause dizziness? While dizziness is not commonly listed as a pri...

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woman with hearing aid talking to another woman

Can Hearing Aids Get Wet?

Hearing aids are essential devices for millions of people who rely on them to enhance their hearing and improve their quality of life. However, one common concern among hearing aid users is whether these devices can get wet and, if so, what impact moisture can have on their funct...

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woman pressing on man's sinuses

How Long Does Balloon Sinuplasty Last?

If you're considering balloon sinuplasty as a treatment for chronic sinus issues, you may be curious about its long-term effectiveness. At Louisiana ENT Specialists, we understand the importance of exploring the durability of this minimally invasive procedure. In this blog, we'll...

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woman having trouble sleeping

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Anxiety?

Are you grappling with sleep apnea and also noticing feelings of anxiety creeping in? You're not alone. Many individuals with sleep apnea find themselves wrestling with heightened anxiety levels. At Louisiana ENT Specialists, we understand the intricate relationship between sleep...

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woman with hearing aid reading

Can Hearing Aids Cause Ear Infections?

Hearing aids are invaluable devices that have revolutionized the lives of millions of people with hearing loss by amplifying sound, improving communication, and enhancing overall quality of life. However, as with any medical device, many misconceptions exist about their potential...

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man standing near flower tree

Are Allergies Worse at Night?

Allergies can be a nuisance at any time of day, but many people find that their symptoms worsen during the night. Sneezing, itching, congestion, and other allergy-related issues can disrupt sleep, leaving you tired and restless the next day. In this blog, the team at Louisiana EN...

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